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communication is the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words, and really start talking, the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or, how to ask for what we really need…

At the end of the day, there are some things you just can’t help but talk about. 

Some things, we just don’t want to hear. And some things we say because we can’t be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say. They are what you do. Some things you say because there’s no other choice. Some things, you keep to yourself. 

And not too often, but every now and then… some things simply speak for themselves.

the life we cut out for our selves

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The chic you have is the chic you were destined to have.

It was meant to be, that’s what all you will always tell yourself.

Anyways, I would like to think it’s true too.

But almost everything else in the world feels completely random.

What if one little thing I said, dint say, did or missed to do could have made it all fall apart..?

What if I only needed that to change and cut out another life for myself….? Be another person..? Could we have found each other..? What if I was raised differently..? What if I had never been working on your case that day..? What if I missed that bus that morning..? What if I was dressed less better..? What if I actually had a good father..? WHAT IF…? WHAT IF…? WHAT IF…?

Your life is a gift accept it no matter how screwed up or painful it is…

Some things will work out as if they were destined to happen, as if they were meant to be…



kikuyu minded.

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A KIKUYU man walks into a bank in NAIROBI City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to DUBAI on business for two weeks and needs to borrow KSH 5,000. The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the KIKUYU man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank’s president and its officers (Luo) all enjoy a good laugh at the KIKUYU for using a KSH 250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a KSH 5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank’s underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the KIKUYU returns, repays the KSH 5,000 and the interest, which comes to KSH 150.41.The loan officer says, “Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi millionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow “KSH 5,000”?

The KIKUYU replies: “Where else in NAIROBI can I park my car for two weeks for only KSH 150.41 and expect it to be there when I return'”

Ah, the mind of the KIKUYU…

to gikomba


I think the government needs to introduce a law that prohibits people from asking dumb questions. We are all victims but some people are affected by this condition more than others.
There you are walking in town baking under the African sun when, bam! you meet some random man or woman who asks, “Sasa hii jua imetoka wapi?” or wen you are at a restaurant for lunch and some slack walks over and asks” unakula lunch?”
It is at such moments that i am grateful that carrying a gun in Kenya is illegal…
If it was in the wild Wild West, it could have been high noon for the person whose mouth spewed such nonsense.
Now, how am i supposed to know where or why the sun is that hot? I need nguatah Francis’ number so that every time i get asked such a question, i just forward the number.
I think the pple who face theses type of questions are the matatu touts.
There you are headed to town when a pedestrian waves the can down and then ask, “unaenda wapi..?” or “unaenda town..?” The look of disgust on the tout’s face is priceless because he was already breaking all NEEMA rules on noise pollution as he tried to tell all tht the vehicle is town-bound…
Ever been in a lift on the ground floor and some loafer comes running and asks, “inaenda wapi?”
I remember bursting out in laughter wen a guy, obviously infuriated by such dopey questions answered’ “inaenda gikomba.”
I even realised, tht such pple never understand wen they are been insulted? ths person just nodded and joined us on the way to “gikomba.”
speaking of lifts, why do pple going to the nearest floor pack themselves at the back, only for you to hear, “excuse mi, let mi pass.”
now, wat in all tht holy took you back thr? did you lose a tooth? such pple needed to be on the same plane with the “hugue six” in April because they have a case to answer.
while on the lift, why do pple like to squeeze behind others? such pple really scare the black out of mi. and ths is not just in the lift; even at the bank, there you are standing trying to figure out why you are queuing to deposit just 500bob wen you feel warm air on the back of your neck.
you turn around and your heart stops momentarily as you find ths Kenyan who last had a bath to celebrate the signing of the national accord standing so close to you tht you would think he wants to listen to your thoughts.
the crazy thing is tht you don’t know how to tell such pple to move away, so you try to create some space between you. you literally have to fall out of the queue or let him pass and annoy the person in front of you..

GREATNESS is Born not Made

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Great LOVER,

Great surgeons,

Great technicians,

Great salespersons,

Great accountants

Are not made,they are born.!!!!

It takes gestation; incubation; sacrifice…alot of sacrifice

…but after all the labor, pain and blood and guts are washed away

….tht LUVER…..that surgeon, …..that accountant

you become is totally worth it…………

giving birth may all be intense and magical and stuff

but the act it’s seld is nothing close to those words

…not tht i have ever given birth but witnessing, yes… FIRST HAND.

but it’s also a beginning of:

something true…….

something new……….

something incredible……

something unpredictable…….

something worth missing…….

something worth live n dieing for………

something which will change your life………



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the problem of been on permanent contract(unlike internship) is,

you feel crazy all the time;

you haven’t slept in years;

you spend all day around people of massive gracedys…

you use your abilities to judge wats normal.

in your self or anyone else around u….

and yet people are constantly asking you to tell them how they are doing…..

how the hell are you supposed to know how they r doing…..

wen the even dont knw how they themselves are doing??

you even don’t know how you are doing…..

……don’t wonder why people go crazy,

……wonder why they don’t……….

and in the face of wat we can loose;

………in a second,

………in a minute,

………in an hour,

………in a day,

………in an instant,

wonder the hell it is that makes us hold it TOGETHER.


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there is this person,

in ma head;

he is Brillient,

capable of doing anything

he is a really good person; a gud accountant;a gud surgeon; a gud engineerer…..

maybe even a great person; accountant; surgion; engineerer…..

he is ‘mi’…only so much better…

it was a gud day (tht’s why i am writing ths)…………

maybe even a great day…………….

i am a gud person, even wen it’s hard……

i am the mi in ma is those moments wen i thought i can’t do it..

i can’t do this alone…

but i closed ma eyes and imagined ma self doing it and i did….

i blocked out the FEAR and i did it….

lame ass excuse

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I will try to keep this short.

On a Tuesday, I am out with a friend & we bump into her ex & her roommate. Both girls are 9’s (pushing 10’s). I immediately go to work! She’s wearing a turtle neck sweater (I see a weak spot) so I start calling her “Tippy the Turtle” all evening. She acts all defensive bout it, but keeps laughing & asking me WHY, WHY, WHY do you keep calling me that?…So I just keep pouring it on. I bust on her humorously every chance I get. Within 2 hours, she’s leaning on me, squeezing me & following me around the restaurant like a puppy… SO, we go to another restuarant & I go to the bar here in westie to get a drink and the waitress at the bar (whom I know from being there in the past) asks me why I have never asked HER to go out & do anything (LIGHT BULB GOES ON). So I tell her it’s “because I don’t have a way to get a hold of her”. So she pulls out a fifty bob note from her money holder & writes her number down and gives it to me (this girl is a solid 10 by the way…and trust me, IM PICKY!). Needless to say, IM STOKED! So I tease her a little bout her name (because her name is T…a guys name), take the number & go back to my friend & the girls…Everything is great RIGHT????

Now the problem & ma question:

I ask a friend of mine about her (the waitress). He works at the same bar n restuarant she does. He said that she was “all bout money”. He also told me tht she just quit her job tht weekend & didn’t work there anymore…

So I called her on the following Sunday (gave it about 5 days). I decided to check this “money thing” out in a humorous way. When she finally realized who I was (which kinda pissed me off that I had to explain to her who I was on the phone…I went as far as suggesting that I hang up & call back & try this again) I told her that I heard she quit her job & then asked her “How are you going to take me to lunch & pay my way if you don’t have a job”? I thought it was funny & was awaiting a laugh, but she responded with “why do you have to start the conversation off like that? I had to support my last 2 boyfriends, so don’t go there”. Needless to say I’m shocked & respond with “Its becoming a habit huh?”…and then heard silence & broke the silence with “I’m just giving you sh**!” (I know, I know….a WUSS moment)

SO, I set a simple meeting with her (for some lunch before I had to go to work) for that same Thursday (today actually…4 days later). She said the date & time were cool so I closed the deal (kept the phone call at about 3-4 minutes). Before I hung up she said “why don’t you call me between now & then so we can talk”. Well I’m picking up on that one right away, so I respond with “What would be the point in that? We are getting together Thursday to talk”. And we said our goodbyes & that was it….

NOW I get a phone call 3 hours before we have to meet & she tells me some BS story about her brother coming in town & she can’t meet me for lunch. Well I’m not stupid, and I just had another gal cancel in a similar fashion on me a while ago. DUHH!!!…So my question is this:

QUESTION: If a girl cancels on you, how should you really handle it? Especially if you know her excuse is bull sh**?!?! (I can pick liars out a mile away…it’s a gift!). I realize she maybe testing me, but when a gal expresses interest in YOU & makes it a point to make sure that YOU leave WITH HER PHONE NUMBER, how should you handle it when they cancel last minute with a lame ass excuse? My feelings are to talk to them in a manor making them feel as stupid as they think YOU are. For Example:

When she tells me her brother is going to be in town & she had to cancel THREE HOURS before we meet, I felt like saying “Well I gave you 4 days notice to meet me for ONE hour. Your brother hasn’t seen you in six months & you didn’t know this when we talked the first time??”

I was just real quiet & said nothing when she fed me this “Line” & responded with “ok, whatever… maybe some other time…you have my number” & that was the end of the conversation, I hung up.

was she testing mi to see if i WILL be an a**hole (DOES SHE WANT MI TO?), or was she testing to see if i will be sympathetic (WHICH WOULD BE BAD)…Personally, I want to be an asshole because I get kind of upset with flaky people in general…

Also, do you think I should ever call & set a date up again with a woman like this, or did I already blow it?

think outside the box!

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wat happens if u go for a job Interview and u find such a Question:

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus: An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. An old friend who once saved your life. The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about. Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? Think before you continue reading. This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first; or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect dream lover again. The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. He simply answered: “I would give the car keys to my old friend, and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams.” Never forget to “Think Outside of the Box.”


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At any given moment, the brain has 14 billion neurons firing at a speed of 450 miles per hour.

We don’t have control of most of them,

When we going to feel Goosebumps,

When we going to get excited,

When we going to get an adrenalin rush.

The body naturally follows its impulses,

Which I think is part of what makes it hard to control ours.

Of course, other times we have impulses we can control but we don’t, which later live us regretting, on why we dint control them.

The body is a slave to its pulses. But the thing that makes us human is what we can control.

After the storm,

After the rush,

After the heat of the moment has past,

We can cool off and clean up the messes we have made.

We can try to let go off what was and then again……………………..

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