Modern life’s very youth oriented – or at least it looks that way. Especially if you believe everything you see or read. Youngsters seem to have all the excitement. The sport, music and fashion industries are all aimed at them. They have relationships – and a sex life! Most young people can’t imagine “wrinkles! Being intimate at all. It’s not really like that of course. “Wrinkles” may not be as physically perfect as they were at twenty, but they often get lots more enjoyment from their love lives than they did as youngsters. So there’s plenty to look forward to!

 It’s not easy though. Any Gal who’s hanging around with an older man will tell you bout the pitying looks from her friends. Who all imagine that her fella can’t keep up with her? But it’s not true. Older guys can be far more energetic – and better endowed – than younger men. Men in their fifties are not only often having the best sex of their lives, but are far more adventurous. Try asking them – surprisingly they tend to tell the truth. Older men are generally far more satisfied with their sex lives than they were earlier – despite the physical problems that are supposed to destroy their desire.

 In fact, middle aged men have a lot going for them – and are far nicer to their partners. They’re much less bothered by physical self esteem, so they don’t get hang ups over their ageing bodies – or the imperfections of their partners. And the emphasis in a man’s sex life changes. From quality to quality – and the enjoyment of real intimacy. It all comes from an emotional transformation that most men go through in their forties. Which leads to a more romantic frame of mind – and less of a need to put notches in their belt.

 Not at all like men in their twenties. Whose lives are dominated by their drive to conquer the world – and to chase everything in skirts! Or men in their thirties who’re exhausted by their growing families and their latest sales or production targets. In their forties, men start to question all their earlier goals. Are they leading the life they intended to? With the right partner? Was this really wat they dreamed of?

 This period can be uncomfortable. Making them discontented with life and bored wit people they luv. Wanting to do something completely different. Wondering bout decisions made years before. They can be really hard to live with – confused bout who they are and wat their life means.

 It’s also a time of physical changes and new obligations. Helping wit grandchildren maybe. Ageing parents. Worries bout the future. Negative feelings bout marriage. Bout their job. Physical problems, such as irritability and fatigue. Feeling of sadness, lethargy, depression and urgency.

 Men often abandon an unsatisfactory relationship at this time. And discover a new perspective on life. Especially men whose work was everything and who’s given little thought to ageing and retirement. They feel a loss of masculinity and confusion bout their future role. Start askin questions bout their sex life. They are less easily aroused. Is this the start of a slippery slope? Where will it all end?

 But by the fifties, men have usually accepted that they are no longer young – or immortal. And that drives a need to review life and change direction. Rather than believing that ageing is simply bout having to give things up, many find it’s a time to think bout wat to start! And many men do make big changes. A new partner perhaps. They start giving relationships a higher priority than work. No more endless worries bout how well they’re doing versus colleagues. They become more confident and honest bout intimacy.

 Without the emotional pressures of earlier life, they are more adventurous and passionate. Men are generally useless at sharing their feelings. But in their fifties they become better at talking things over wit their partners. They find a new passion wit their wives after children have left home. They focus more on their love lives. Gone are the days of arranging sex around the times there aren’t any toddlers or teenagers in the house! There can be spontaneity again. Fifties men are far more generous in bed than they were as young men. They spend more time making luv – and they know wat they’re doing. They have learned that intimacy is not bout perfect bodies, but giving each other joy. They’ve discovered how to give themselves pleasure – and how to satisfy their wives. Sex is no longer an isolated act – it becomes part of other pleasures such as good food and affection. They have come to appreciate the beauty of the female form in a way that a young man never does. They are more understanding of women’s bodies – and overlook their flaws. All the urgency that drives young men has gone.

 Because wen you’re young, luv and desire is all bout hormones and stuff. So a young man’s whole chemistry is geared towards having sex as often as possible. Whenever the opportunity presents itself. Whereas women’s brains are programmed to find the right man first! A young man’s sex drive can be aroused in seconds. A woman warms up much more slowly. It’s not surprising that most of us spend our lives arguing bout sex!

 Actually it’s worse even than that. A woman’s sex drive is generally low in her teens. She is interested, sure. Because of all the hype – and her search for luv. But she has little desires. Her desire rises gradually, to peak in her late thirties and early forties – wen it’s often greater than a man of the same age.

 So right through to her late thirties, most women complain that their men want too much sex. They feel used. But by her late thirties though, the roles reversed. Now she probably wants more than him! She’s likely to be at her most assertive too. At the peak of her self confidence.

  And that’s where a man in his fifties comes into his own. Because now he’s able to understand her needs better. Now he understands that she needs lots of time to become aroused – to feel a slow build up of tension. Lots of attention, praise and talk – because he does too!  And he knows that it’s worth all the effort. Because wen the sex is great between a luvin couple, everything bout the whole relationship goes well. No problem is too great to solve. Commitment increases and stress levels fall.

  But wat really makes the difference is an older man’s new-found emotional sensitivity. And his desire to please. So relish him. He really is a treasure!